Thursday, July 26, 2012

As-suhuur yang paling simple

Hari ni malas nak share resepi sebab ala senang bangat, ibu2 mak2 ni memang/mesti/harus dah terer buat sambil tutup mata pun boleh kan ahaksss. simple je menu as-suhuur pagi tadi, bukannya beria sangat nak memasak pun pepagi sawat ni. tapi wajib kita bersahur agar mempunyai tenaga untuk berpuasa sepanjang waktu siangnya kan jadi ni sajalah juadah saya pagi tadi;

ayam goreng...penangan suka tengok Upin Ipin

kobis masak lemak udang

coklat dari Duchess Place sebagai desert

Malam tadi Faizal pegi pasar malam, teringin katanya nak makan rangka ayam. terus buat sebahagian dari juadah jugak. jadilah ek hidangan as-suhuur di hari ke 6 Ramadhan ni...alhamdulillah.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

As-suhuur bersama ayam masak halia dan daun bawang

Juadah as-suhuur pagi tadi, ayam masak halia dann daun bawang. dari mula sehinggalah Ramadhan ke 5 ni, belum ada lagi saya dan suami berbuka dengan nasi. lebih banyak kepada kuih dan desert jelah. itu pun kenyangnya membawa ke lepas tarawih...alhamdulillah. bangun pulak around 4am, sediakan juadah ni ^__^

Panaskan minyak dan tumis halia yang dihiris nipis sehingga naik bau. kemudian masukkan bawang besar yang dipotong wedges, potongan cili kering dan ayam...kacau sehingga ayam setengah masak. setelah itu masukkan pula sos tiram, kicap, serbuk stok ayam, garam dan lada sulah...kacau mesra. seterusnya masukkan pula lada benggala yang dipotong dadu, lobak merah yang dipotong bulat dan biarkan seketika sehingga ke 2 sayur itu hampir masak...kemudian masukkan air dan tutup kuali selama 2 minit. selepas itu masukkan pula potongan daun bawang dan kacau seketika sebelum diangkat. hidangkan bersama nasi panas.

Takdenya nak lawan apa2, hanya juadah ni saja. pepagi lemau sikit nak makan beria, lebih kepada pisat2 biji mata je. lepas makan minum pulak air panas2 memang terasa nikmat as-suhuur tu. selepas tu buat solat tahajud, disusuli dengan membaca al-quran sambil menanti masukkan waktu solat subuh...alhamdulillah dipermudahkan segalanya pagi tadi.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Menu berbuka di hari 2 Ramadhan - Kek Batik Vico

Baca title macam ada berderet juadah berbuka kan, tapi hakikatnya tidak sama sekali. alhamdulillah masuk hari ke 2 kita di bulan Ramadhan ni, saya masih mengekalkan hidangan ala kadar sahaja untuk berbuka. mencukupilah sekadar manisan dan minuman panas, kalau banyak sangat makanan nanti banyak pulak makannya. lepas tu mulalah tak larat nak buat semua benda termasuklah solat dan tarawih. yang lagi penting, untuk nak mengelakkan pembaziran, itukan perbuatan syaitan :(

Untuk hari ke 2 Ramadhan ni, saya menyediakan kek batik vico yang memang senang sap sap soi je membuatnya.

Antara bahan utama dalam kek ni adalah biskut marie, patahkan 4 bahagian ye. campurkan 1 cawan Vico (memang boleh sangat kalau nak gunakan Milo), 5 sudu besar serbuk koko, 1 sudu besar esen vanila, 1/2 tin susu pekat (jangan pulak gunakan susu cair), 1/2 cawan air dan 4 biji telur dalam periuk...kacau dan panaskan di atas api yang sederhana. bila dah start merenek tu masukkan 150g butter dan kacau sehingga adunan menjadi likat. selepas itu masukkan biskut marie tadi dan kacau sehingga sebati adunannya. bolehlah tutup api dan masukkan adunan ke dalam bekas dan mampatkan serata. sejukkan dalam peti sejuk selama min 1 jam atau lebih. bolehlah di hidangkan sebagai manisan ketika berbuka nanti.

Okay memang mantap di hidangkan bersama minuman kegemaran masing2. alahaiii macam takde apa je juadah berbuka saya kan, takpelah saya tetap bersyukur dengan rezeki yang Allah beri...alhamdulillah. lepas makan terus bersiap2 untuk ke masjid.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Amazing SPIDER-MAN

Watak Peter Parker kali ini lebih funky, sengal, masih gagap bila berdepan dengan perempuan dan active nak compare dengan Spiderman hingga yang Spiderman 2. walaupun watak hero dan heroin adalah lain tapi masih ada lagi persamaan dalam movie kini dan terdahulu. dan paling best sekali, kali ni costume Spider-Man memang smart la...suka betul aku tengok.

Citer ni boleh di tonton dalam 3D dan 2D tapi macam biasalah aku lebih suka 2D saja, tak suka spek yang boleh buat kepala aku berdenyut bila pakai tu (^__^) okay dah macam trade sekarang ni, di akhir cerita mesti ada sikit scene di hujung tu...makanya jangan terus keluar ye bila di akhir cerita tu. memang best Spider-Man kali ni, taklah jiwang sangat macam yang terdahulu. macam biasa, meh layan sinopsis dan trailer ye

A young Peter Parker discovers his father Richard's study has been broken into. Gathering up hidden documents, Peter's parents take him to the home of his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, then mysteriously depart. Years later, a teenaged Peter attends Midtown Science High School, where he is bullied by Flash Thompson and has caught the eye of Gwen Stacy. At home, Peter finds Richard's papers and learns his father worked with fellow scientist Dr. Curt Connors at OsCorp. Faking his way into OsCorp as one of a group of high-school interns, Peter sneaks into a lab where a "biocable" is being created from genetically modified spiders, one of which bites him. On the subway ride home, he is shocked to find strange spider-like abilities manifesting.

After studying Richard's papers, Peter visits the one-armed Connors, reveals he is Richard Parker's son, and gives Connors his father's "decay rate algorithm", the missing piece in Connors' experiments on regenerating limbs based on lizard DNA. Connors is being pressured by his superior, Dr. Ratha, to devise a cure for the dying, unseen head of OsCorp, Norman Osborn.

In school, attempting revenge on Flash, Peter gets in trouble, forcing Uncle Ben to change work shifts in order to meet with the principal; he tells Peter to pick up May tonight for him. Peter later goes to OsCorp and helps Connors regenerate a limb on a laboratory mouse, while ignoring a call from Ben. When Peter returns home, Ben scolds him for having neglected to pick up May. Peter storms off and Ben goes searching for him. Peter visits a convenience store, where a thief steals from the till and dashes out. Peter refuses to give chase. The thief runs into Ben, who confronts him. They wrestle over a gun, and Ben is shot. The killer escapes as Peter finds his uncle, who dies in his arms.

Afterward, Peter uses his new abilities to hunt criminals matching the killer's description. After a fall lands him inside an abandoned gym, a luchador-wrestling poster inspires him to create a mask to hide his identity. He also adds a Spandex suit, and builds mechanical devices to attach on his wrists to shoot a biocable "web".

Peter accepts a dinner invitation from Gwen, and he meets her father, police captain George Stacy. After dinner, Peter and Gwen go to her apartment building's roof, where he shows her his abilities and they kiss.

Ratha says Connors must begin human trials immediately if Osborn is to survive. Connors refuses to rush the drug-testing procedure and put innocent people at risk. Ratha fires Connors and says he will test Connors' serum at a Veterans Administration hospital under the guise of flu shots. Connors tries the formula on himself. After passing out and awakening, he finds his missing arm has regenerated. Learning Ratha is on his way to the VA hospital, Connors, whose skin is growing scaly and green, goes to intercept him. By the time he gets to the traffic-jammed Williamsburg Bridge, Connors has become a hybrid of lizard and man, tossing cars, including Ratha's, over the side of the bridge. Peter, now calling himself Spider-Man, saves each fallen car with his web-lines.

Spider-Man suspects Connors is the Lizard, and unsuccessfully confronts the creature in the sewers. The Lizard learns Spider-Man's real identity and attacks Peter at school. The police hunt both Spider-Man and the Lizard, with Captain Stacy also learning Spider-Man's real identity. The Lizard plans to make all humans lizard-like by releasing a chemical cloud from OsCorp's tower. Spider-Man eventually disperses an antidote cloud instead, restoring Connors and earlier victims to normal, but not before the Lizard fatally claws Stacy. The dying Stacy makes Peter promise to keep Gwen safe by staying away from her. Peter initially does so, but later suggests he may see her after all.

In a scene during the end credits, Connors, in a prison cell, appears to speak with a man in the shadows who asks if Connors told Peter the truth about his father. Connors replies, "No" and demands Peter be left alone before the man mysteriously disappears.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Biar Jadi Kaktus - Iffa Zalia

Bila jiwa sudah
Rindu itu terasa
dekat di hati

Novel ni baru je aku katam baca malam tadi. meh layan sinopsis dulu...

Cinta Syakila dan Firdaus ibarat bintang-bintang yang begemerlapan. Namun perjalanan hidup sebenarnya tidaklah seindah impian dan harapan.

Dek tidak tahan menanggung penderitaan demi penderitaan, Syakila mencari keadilan dan kebenaran yang seakan-akan tersembunyi. Namun pencariannya terkandas bila dia diburu oleh Datin Habsah, seorang wanita korporat yang bersikap mata duitan. Tawaran satu juta ringgit Malaysia daripada Dato' Tengku Amir membuatkan Datin Habsah ingin terus memburu gadis itu hingga ke lubang cacing.

Syakila ibarat kaktus yang teguh walaupun kemarau melanda. Dia meneruskan langkah dengan hati yang kental. Tika dirinya longlai, muncul Azlan yang berhati mulia. Lelaki budiman itu sering menghulurkan bantuan tanpa mengharapkan balasan.

Pengorbanan setinggi gunung itu membuatkan Syakila dalam dilema. Dia tahu lelaki itu mencintainya sampai mati. Tetapi bagaimana pula dengan Firdaus? Lelaki itu nyawanya!


"Yang paling jauh dengan kita adalah MASA LALU
dan yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah MATI"
(Imam Ghazali)

Cerita ni memang banyak aksi bergaduh dari awal sampai habis cerita dan aku rasa aksi bergaduh yang real, taklah kaku macam mintak kena pukul je...ala2 terasa macam tengok citer Ong Bak pulak. ada jugak bab2 sedih dalam ni tapi belum mampu untuk menitikkan air mata aku.

8 jam ini adalah masa yang hero ada untuk bercerita kepada pegawai polis yang menjaganya sepanjang masa 8 jam tu sehingga masanya untuk di gantung sampai mati atas kesalahan membunuh. makanya terjadilah flashback dari kisahnya kecik membesar dalam suasana yang memang tak 'sihat' sehingga nak makan pun kena mencuri, kena masuk rumah anak yatim selepas kematian ibunya, lari dari rumah anak yatim dan balik semula ke 'lorong' itu sehinggalah macam mana hero boleh membunuh.

Apa yang aku suka sangat tengok Shaheizy Sam (hero) ni berlakon adalah dia memang pandai buat memek muka yang memang real ganas, real sedih, real takut...taklah bermuka2 budget control cun sangat. mehlah layan sinopsis dan trailer dulu..lepas tu korang bolehlah proceed tengok wayang pulak, support cerita tempatan kita (^0^)

ALANG, membesar di sebuah lorong yang penuh dengan keganasan dan jenayah. Zaman kanak-kanak Alang dirampas daripadanya apabila ibunya mati dibunuh seorang Ah Long semasa mereka cuba melarikan diri daripada kawasan jahanam tersebut.

Alang yang tidak mempunyai sedara mara yang lain telah dihantar ke rumah anak-anak yatim. Alang menghadapai kesukaran untuk bergaul dengan rakan — rakan sebayanya yang lain dek kerana cara kehidupannya yang dulu namun muncul JULIA, yang tidak putus-putus cuba untuk berkawan dengannya.

Keikhlasan Julia menyebabkan mereka menjadi kawan baik sehinggalah mereka meningkat umur belasan tahun. Hubungan persahabatan mereka lama kelamaan bercambah menjadi cinta. Namun, hubungan mereka terputus ditengah jalan kerana Julia telah dituntut oleh mak ciknya.

Atas desakan mak cik Julia, pihak sekolah telah merahsiakan alamat dan no telefon Julia sehingga Alang dan Julia tidak lagi berjumpa. Alang akhirnya kembali ke kehidupannya semasa kecil. Alang cuba untuk hidup dengan aman namun munculnya beberapa konco daripada satu geng meminta wang perlindungan. Alang yang bengang telah bergaduh dan menyebabkan dia menjadi sasaran geng tersebut.
Ditakdirkan Alang bertemu semula dengan Julia yang sedang dalam keadaan kesusahan. Alang yang terlalu cintakan Julia menerima Julia dengan gembiranya dan mengharapkan Julia akan sentiasa bersamanya. Namun, kebahagiaan mereka hanya sementara apabila muncul mak cik Julia menuntut Julia kembali dan konco-konco geng tersebut sering menghantui Alang.
Kini, Alang berada di dalam penjara kerana dia telah membunuh seseorang. Siapakah yang telah menjadi mangsa Alang? Mengapakah Alang bertindak sedemikian? Dapatkah Alang dan Julia hidup bersama semula? Semuanya akan terjawab dalam filem ’8 JAM’.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Snow White and The Huntsman

'Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?'

Suka tengok kartun Snow White and The 7 Dwarfs, masa kecik2 dulu aku memang ada tape citer kartun ni...setiap hari balik sekolah tak sah kalau tak pasang tengok ulang tayang berkali. rugi zaman kanak2 korang kalau tak tengok kartun dari Walt Disney ni. tapi kali ni tak naklah citer pasal kartun Snow White tu tapi nak citer pasal movie Snow White and The Huntsman pulak, kali ni siap ada lawan2 lagi tau. tak nak citer panjang, meh layan sinopsis dan trailer...

Snow White (Kristen Stewart) is the princess of Tabor, daughter of King Magnus (Noah Huntley) and Queen Eleanor (Liberty Ross). After his wife's death, King Magnus marries the beautiful Ravenna (Charlize Theron) after rescuing her from the Dark Army, an invading force of glass soldiers. Ravenna — who is in fact a powerful sorceress and the Dark Army's master — kills Magnus on their wedding night after noting that men like him exploit the beauty of women and discard them. As Ravenna seizes control of the kingdom, Duke Hammond (Vincent Regan) escapes the Castle with his son William, but is unable to rescue Snow White (As the two of them are close friends) who is captured by Ravenna's brother Finn (Sam Spruell). Snow White is then locked away in a tower of the Castle.

Tabor is left in ruins under Ravenna's rule as she periodically drains the youth from young women in order to maintain a spell once cast by her mother which allows her to keep her beauty. When Snow White comes of age, Ravenna learns from her Magic Mirror (Christopher Obi Ogugua) that Snow White is destined to destroy her unless Ravenna consumes the young girl's heart which will make her immortal. Ravenna orders Finn to bring her Snow White but she escapes into the Dark Forest, where Ravenna has no power. Eric the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth), a drunken widower who has survived the Dark Forest, is brought to Ravenna who orders him to lead Finn in pursuit of Snow White. In exchange she promises to revive his deceased wife Sarah. Duke Hammond learns that Snow White is alive and has fled into the Dark Forest, and his son William (Sam Claflin), Snow White's childhood friend, later infiltrates Finn's band as a bowman to find her.

The Huntsman locates and catches Snow White in the Dark Forest but refuses to hand her over until he know Ravenna will keep her word, Finn admits that Ravenna cannot resurrect the dead. The Huntsman then helps Snow White to escape, promising to escort her to Duke Hammond's Castle in exchange for a reward of gold. The two leave the Dark Forest and pass through a fishing village where all the women have disfigured themselves in order to escape Ravenna, and where he learns Snow White's true identity. He then leaves her in the care of the women but returns when he sees the village being attacked by Finn's men. Snow White and the Huntsman eventually come upon a band of dwarves, formed by Muir (Bob Hoskins), Beith (Ian McShane), Gort (Ray Winstone), Coll (Toby Jones), Duir (Eddie Marsan), Quert (Johnny Harris), Nion (Nick Frost), and Gus (Brian Gleeson). Muir discovers Snow White's identity as the only person who can defeat Ravenna and end her reign.

As they travel through a faerie sanctuary, the group is attacked by Finn's men, resulting in Gus's death when he jumps in front of Snow White to prevent an arrow from hitting her. The Huntsman kills Finn after learning he abetted in the murder of his wife Sarah. William reveals himself and helps defeat the soldiers before joining the others in their journey to Hammond's castle.

Ravenna disguises herself as William and tempts Snow White into eating a poisoned apple, but is forced to flee when the Huntsman and William discover her. William kisses the now comatose Snow White without seeing that a single tear has fallen. Her corpse is taken to Hammond's Castle. As she lies in repose, the Huntsman professes his regret for not saving Snow White who reminds him of his wife and kisses her, breaking the spell as she awakens after a second tear falls. Snow White then takes command of the Duke's army and leads them into battle against Ravenna.

The Dwarves infiltrate Tabor through the sewers and allow the Duke's army to invade the Castle after opening the gates. Snow White confronts Ravenna, but is overpowered. Ravenna is prepared to kill Snow White and consume her heart when Snow White stabs her in the heart instead, causing Ravenna to wither and die. Hammond's army is victorious. Snow White is crowned Queen as the kingdom is restored. Snow White sees Eric in the crowd and the two share a smile.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Madagascar 3 : Europe's Most Wanted

Aku memang suka tengok citer kartun dekat wayang especially Madagascar 3 ni. sebelum pegi menonton Madagascar 3, aku bantai maraton tengok Madagascar 1 hingga 2...memang sukaaa sangat.

Sangat suka tengok montot Gloria bila gelek2 menari, cekci tau :) walaupun ada jugak adegan merapu dan tak logik dek akal tapi namanya kartun, memang kartunlah gaya ceritanya jugak.

Wajib menonton citer ni bersama anak2 uolsss ye, i takde anak pun suka layan gelak tak hengat punye. watak King Julien yang dah jatuh cinta pandang pertama dengan Sonya. sanggup tuh belikan motor untuk Sonya...cute betul.

Kalau nak ikutkan cita rasa sendiri, Madagascar 3 ni kureng dari yang terdahulu tapi still ada kelakarnya.
The story continues from the events of the second film. Alex (Ben Stiller) has a nightmare about himself and his friends still stranded in Africa and finding they have all gotten old. Awaking from his dream, Alex suggests to Marty (Chris Rock), Melman (David Schwimmer), and Gloria (Jada Pinkett Smith) that they should go to Monte Carlo to get the penguins to fly them back to New York City, which they agree to.

In Monte Carlo, the penguins and the two chimpanzees, Mason and Phil (disguising as the King of Versailles), keep winning in gambling until Alex's gang's attempt to reach them blunders and sparks chaos in the Hotel De Paris. Hotel security calls Monegasque Animal Control officer Captain Chantel DuBois (Frances McDormand) to deal with the animals. But rather than capture them live, DuBois desires them, mainly Alex, dead as trophies. During a high-speed chase between the relentless DuBois and the animals in a truck driven by the penguins to reach their aircraft, the animals barely manage to elude her.

In the skies of France, the plane's engines fail again and the plane crashes into a suburban rail yard as the authorities close in. Seeing their only chance of escape is on a circus train, the four larger animals desperately claim that they are circus animals themselves, which convinces circus mates Stefano the sea lion (Martin Short) and Gia the jaguar (Jessica Chastain) to let them in despite the protests of Vitaly the tiger (Bryan Cranston). The animals soon learn from Stefano that they are performing in Rome and London, where they plan to impress a promoter to get them on their first American tour. Before the zoo animals' claim is discredited, the penguins suddenly appear with a deal to purchase the circus themselves, resulting in the pleased departure of all the humans. Meanwhile, Julien (Sacha Baron Cohen) falls in love with Sonya the bear (Frank Welker) and goes on a city tour across Rome while the others prepare for the performance at the Colosseum. To the zoo animals' horror, the circus proves so inept that the angered audience demands refunds to the point of chasing the circus to the departing train to London.

En route to London, the zoo gang is in despair of having wasted their money on the failing circus and not being any closer to getting home. Stefano soon reveals to Alex that Vitaly was once their inspiration. Once a professional ring jumper who used to leap through flaming hoops of fire to excite crowds and was always pushing himself to the limit, his attempt at an impossible jump through a flaming pinkie ring ended in disaster when he burned his fur, which he had coated in extra virgin olive oil, which turned out to be flammable, in order to slip through the narrow opening, destroying his confidence in his talent and the whole circus suffered by his example. An inspired Alex then has the train make a stop in the Alps and convinces the performers to rework their act to become the opposite of the successful human-only Cirque du Soleil as an animal-only circus. Heartened by Alex's vision, the zoo animals and the circus animals develop sophisticated acts together and become closer friends in the process, and Alex and Gia find themselves falling in love during their time together.

Meanwhile, DuBois is detained in Rome after causing problems with the local police officers while chasing the animals out of her jurisdiction, but escapes and researches Alex on the Internet, learning he was missing from the zoo in New York. Once free, DuBois recruits her injured men and heads toward the Alps, forcing the animals to proceed to London despite their incomplete rehearsals. In London, the troupe prepares for the promoter in the audience, but Vitaly is discovered packing to leave. Alex convinces Vitaly to stay by reminding him of how he enjoys performing the impossible and suggests that he use conditioner shampoo as a safer lubricant to perform his flaming ring jump. As a result, Vitaly's stunt is performed perfectly, which proves to be the opening of a spectacularly successful Cirque du Solei-esque show. After the impressed promoter arranges for an American tour, DuBois shows up with a paper showing that Alex was missing. Though the penguins are able to foil DuBois's plan to capture Alex, Alex is forced to confess that the four of them are just zoo animals trying to get home, disappointing the others who feel used and lied to.

Finally, both the zoo animals and the circus arrive in New York City. However, the circus finds that they are incomplete without Alex's gang. The zoo group finally returns to the gates of the closed Central Park Zoo, only to realize that their time outside had changed them too much for them to return to captivity. Unfortunately, they are then tranquilized and captured by DuBois. The zoo staff, delighted by Alex's reappearance, thank DuBois, incorrectly believing that she was trying to return the missing animals. Julien manages to reach the circus (despite being darted by DuBois) and the penguins realize that the group had been ambushed. Upon learning about the zoo animals' plight, Gia convinces the circus animals to rescue their friends and they set out for the zoo, performing aboard a flying circus, with the rescue mission dubbed "Operation: Afro Circus Rescue."

Meanwhile at the zoo, Alex awakens to find that he along with Marty, Melman, and Gloria are in their enclosures, surrounded by tall chain-link fences to keep them from escaping again. DuBois steps on stage to receive a million-dollar check of appreciation from the zoo, but at the same time loads a poison-filled dart into a gun which she hides inside a foam finger in preparation to kill Alex. The circus animals arrive in time to stop her and a massive brawl occurs where the circus uses all of what they had developed as part of their revamped act to rescue their friends. As the group tries to leave, DuBois attempts to kill Stefano, who is stranded at the zoo. However, Alex saves Stefano and together, they defeat DuBois and escape.

Realizing that they truly belong with their new friends, Alex and his friends decide to join the circus permanently. The animals all happily proceed with their American tour, and Marty sings his circus song and all the animals celebrate their sucess and dance along while all wearing rainbow afros. Meanwhile DuBois and her men find themselves, oddly enough just like Alex and his friends in the first film, inside crates on a cargo ship bound for Madagascar.

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Homemade Asam Tumis Tempoyak

Untuk akak2 semua, jom pakat masak asam tumis tempoyak untuk juadah tengah hari ni...sedap weh kalau masak pekat2 tau. ini adalah juadah untuk dinner malam tadi, laju je berpeluh2 masa makan tu dek kepedasan...tak pedas nanti tak kick pulak kan so layannnnnn ;)

Sediakan bahan untuk ditumbuk halus seperti bawang merah, bawang putih, kunyit hidup dan cili padi...tu yang berdesing kepedasan :) panaskan minyak, tumiskan serai yang ditumbuk sedikit dan bahan tumbuk tadi sehingga wangi. dah katanya tumis tempoyak, haruslah masukkan tempoyak dan kacau rata kemudian tuangkan air secukupnya dan biarkan mendidih. masukkan asam gelugur, kiub ikan bilis dan ikan selar (boleh gunakan ikan yang lain jugak, ikut kegemaran masing2), perasakan dengan garam. akhir sekali masukkan timun yang dibuang biji dan daun kunyit. masak sekejab dan matikan api. makan bersama nasi panas dan pagi tadi sarapan pagi makan roti bercecahkan kuahnya (^0^)

Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah berikan hari ini

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Homemade Suhun Goreng

Makan suhun goreng di rumah di bawah kipas angin nan berputar ligat sama lebat jugak hujan di luar rumah (^0^)
Suhun dan tauhu kering di rendam sehingga lembut. panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bawang putih sehingga wangi. kemudian masukkan udang bersama lobak merah yang di hiris nipis dan kacau rata. masukkan suhun dan tauhu kering yang di potong 2 dan kacau mesra. kemudian masukkan taugeh, cili merah dan hijau. perasakan dengan garam, kicap manis dan jugak stok ikan. bolehlah di makan bersama nasi panas atau makan begitu saja.
Tak sempat sampai ke petang, dah habis di tengah hari jugak, syukur alhamdulillah untuk rezeki hari ini.